Our material topics
Our stakeholder assessment started with the creation and analysis of a list of topics most relevant for the fossil fuel and biofuel industry in terms of industry impact on environmental, social and economic areas, and in terms of a topics’ relevance to VARO’s value chain. This list of topics was prepared in accordance with the topics suggested by IPIECA Guidelines, GRI Standards and SASB Standards for Refining & Marketing, Midstream and Biofuels, and also captures material topics selected by our peers in the integrated oil and gas industry.
We prioritised 25 topics of highest relevance to VARO stakeholders, and in relation to the impact generated by our business. These prioritised topics were then carried forward for further consultation with our internal and external stakeholders who were free to propose new topics of importance that may have been missed.
The resulting materiality matrix maps the most material topics for VARO along two axes: (1) importance of topics according to how our stakeholders assess VARO’s business in relation to their interests and (2) the significance of the economic, environmental and social impact of our business according to our internal stakeholders.