
Closing speech at the Swedbank Energy Summit : “The road to Net Zero will require Partnership, Policies and Pace”

Our CEO, Dev Sanyal, gave a speech at the Energy Summit in Oslo focusing on “Green Investments in Frenzied Energy Markets”, opened by Lord Browne and chaired by the Founder of Bloomberg New Energy Finance, Michael Liebreich.

In his remarks, he spoke about how our transition goals can be achieved through:

  • Partnerships, where roles and responsibilities are clearly defined and understood.
  • Policies, that are effective at scale and tailored to the intended outcome.
  • Pace, to be able to halve emissions by 2030 to keep the global temperature rise to 1.5°C.

Watch Dev's closing speech at the Energy Summit.

For further information, please contact

Florence Lebeau
Phone: +41 79 546 66 31
Email: [email protected]